I am a 62 year old ex Police Officer who is committed to upholding the rights of all British people, and those rightfully resident here. The British National Party exists to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands in the North Atlantic which have been our homeland for millennia.

We use the term indigenous to describe the people whose ancestors were the earliest settlers here after the last great Ice Age and which have been complemented by the historic migrations from mainland Europe.

The migrations of the Celts, Anglo-Saxons, Danes, Norse and closely related kindred peoples have been, over the past few thousands years, instrumental in defining the character of our family of nations.

While we recognise the United Kingdom as a political entity, the BNP does not arrogantly seek to impose one set of Westminster dominated decisions across these nations. We embrace and cherish the native cultural diversity within the British Isles and wish to extend the concept of democracy to the lowest possible level, where those that are affected by a decision are the ones who influence and make the decision.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

My View on The Coal Industry.

The demise of the Coal Industry in the UK and Wales in particular has been an unmitigated disaster. It is generally accepted that Margaret Thatcher and the Conservatives organised this travesty to break the will of the unions and spirit of the working man. There can be no doubt about this but I believe the whole process was a conspiracy between all parties to increase our dependency on oil. Labour despite all its promises has done absolutely nothing to remedy this situation. In 13 years not one substantive new mine has opened. This despite huge advances in developing clean burning furnaces.
I do not believe that the burning of coal as a fuel source has anything to do with the fake climate change argument. If elected I shall campaign tirelessly for the reinstatement of the coal industry and the exposure of the climate change lobbyists as the strangers to the truth that they are.

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